Ability Maintenance Service

Professional Office Sanitization in the Greater San Fernando Valley, CA

Office Sanitization Services
in the Greater San Fernando Valley, CA

Family owned and operated since 1985

Benefits of Office sanitization

A clean and sanitized office is a happy and healthy office. There are many benefits to keeping your office clean and sanitized.

First, it creates a more pleasant working environment. When your office is clean and organized, you can focus on your work and be more productive.
Secondly, it helps to prevent the spread of illness. A clean office is a healthy office, and a healthy office is a productive office.
Third, it shows your clients and customers that you care about your business and their health. They will appreciate doing business with a company that takes cleanliness and sanitation seriously. Finally, it saves you money in the long run. A clean office is a well-maintained office, and a well-maintained office is a more efficient office. This means that you will save money on repairs and replacement costs. A clean and sanitized office is a happy and healthy office.

Sanitization wipe cleaning a keyboard

How It Works

If you work in an office, chances are you share your space with other people. And while you may not think twice about the germs on your desk, studies have shown that the average office desk is covered in more than 400 times the amount of bacteria as a toilet seat. That’s why it’s important to sanitize your office space regularly, both for your health and the health of your co-workers. We sanitize high-traffic surfaces such as door knobs, tables, desks, phones, etc. When it comes to office cleanliness, there are a few key areas to focus on to ensure a safe and healthy environment for both employees and clients. The following tips will help you successfully sanitize your office space:

  1. First and foremost, start with a good, thorough cleaning. This means dusting, sweeping, and mopping all surfaces. Don’t forget to clean under furniture and in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Once the area is clean, disinfect all surfaces. This includes door handles, light switches, phones, keyboards, and mouse.
  3. If possible, open windows and doors to let fresh air in. This will help to clear out any lingering germs.
  4. Make sure to wash your hands regularly and use hand sanitizer often. Encourage employees and clients to do the same.
  5. Place hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes in common areas for easy access. Following these tips will help you create a clean and sanitized office space. By taking these precautions, you can help to prevent the spread of illness and create a safer working environment.

Schedule a no-obligation Consultation, and a free quote:

If you're concerned about the cleanliness of your office, or if you want to make sure that your workplace is as sanitary as possible, you should schedule a no-obligation consultation with a professional cleaning company. During the consultation, the cleaning company will be able to assess your office and recommend the best course of action to take to ensure that it is clean and sanitary.

You shouldn't have to worry about the cleanliness of your office - it should be one of the last things on your mind. But if you are concerned, or if you want to be extra diligent, then scheduling a consultation is the best way to get peace of mind. We will be able to advise you on what needs to be done to keep your office clean and sanitary, and you can rest assured knowing that your workplace is in good hands. Contact us today!

See What Our Customers Are Saying

We are proud of the long-term relationships we have with our customers. By consistently providing above-and-beyond value and always keeping communication open for feedback and improvement, we make sure that your office cleaning experience is always a good one, and that your needs are consistently met. Real people. Lasting relationships built on trust.

Read testimonials from our happy customers below and on Google and Yelp